I am not saying it sucks or anything like that, but I think it is a bit of a poor way for this iconic action hero to come to an end.

I feel with Rambo: Last Blood, they took a step back from what they did with Rambo 2008 and instead we get a kind of brainless action movie. I think the main problem that I have with the movie is that Rambo 2008 was a fantastic action movie, but it also did a lot to make you care more for the character of John Rambo. However, there is not much substance to the overall story here at all. Once again, Stallone is awesome as Rambo, and seeing him kicking ass, making all kinds of traps, and killing bad guys is fun. Rambo travels to Mexico to find out what has happened to Gabriel and ends up thrust into one last mission, but this mission is very personal and a revenge-filled mission after what happened to Gabriel. Kolejne 10 sekund po pol minutowej przerwieįurther 10 seconds after half a minute pause 0104.Rambo is worried about what has happened to Gabriel in Mexico as no one has heard from her. The following is paired with multiple cutscenes. Olejne 10 sekund po pol minutowej przerwie - bierze pod uwagę LsTime.Īnd now we have subtitles for cutscenes on the engine - 10 seconds of textįurther 10 seconds after half a minute pause - takes LsTime into consideration. It contains the following:Ī teraz mamy subtitle do cutscen na silniku - 10 sekund textu The only file to not have a video file to go with it. srt files to go with them, which include notes in Polish. missing quit game confirmation Placeholder Subtitles enlarge the images of controller buttonsĤ. QTE changes: removal of background, animated sidebars, arrow only while tapping, qte for a gamepad -ġ. "press x to start" should only show up after finishing video/cutscene playback -ģ. mission selection screen breaks after returning from controller selection screen. powiekszyc obrazki przycisków kontroleraĢ. QTE zmiany: usuniecie tla, bocznych animowanych paskow, strzalka tylko przy tapowaniu, qte na pada -ġ. press x to start powinien sie dopiero pojawic po skonczeniu odtwarzania filmiku -ģ. ekran wyboru misji psuje sie po powrocie z ekranu wyboru kontrolera -ĥ. There is also a plain text file named _bugs, which contains the following:Ģ. The files provided have these notes translated into English. There are two spreadsheets which contain the subtitles and menu text used by the game, both of which have a section for comments by the developers.

File: Rambo2014_Subtitles_eng.zip (32 KB) ( info)